We are still operational, it’s time to plan your projects.

2020-05-11T09:50:25-04:00May 11th, 2020|

Dear partners, Progi has continued its operations since the beginning of the lockdown. Because we are in the technology business, our team can remain fully operational through teleworking. We are planning a gradual return to our office following the Quebec government’s economic recovery plan. Several [...]

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Photos at the Service of Efficient Estimation for the Insured.

2020-05-08T09:42:16-04:00May 8th, 2020|

In a time when customer experience reigns, when we consider our processes to improve customer assistance after an auto insurance claim, we must ask ourselves: is there a place for photo estimation in my process? Many want to do it but are bothered by the [...]

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Planning per Severity Before and After the Lockdown Period. What are the Traps to Avoid?

2020-04-29T09:36:33-04:00April 29th, 2020|

Hello, this is Alex from Progi, As you may know, planning jobs per severity in the shop is quite affected and this impact will most likely last for a while beyond the lockdown period. The new reality is this: due to the economy’s uncertainty, many [...]

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Auto Rebuilders: Buying Better at Auctions

2021-05-31T15:36:08-04:00April 10th, 2020|

How to improve purchases at auctions for businesses or individuals who buy damaged vehicles for resale and profit? First, we need to know the difference between a good and bad opportunity. There are some basic indicators to reduce the risks and increase the ability to [...]

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A Web Application Made in Canada Helps Collision Shops, Insurers and Their Clients to Stay Safe While Working During the Confinement Period.

2020-04-06T08:44:20-04:00April 6th, 2020|

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, March 30, 2020—only businesses providing essential services remain operational during the COVID-19 prevention campaign. These include insurance companies and their damage insurance suppliers such as collision shops. Progi, a Canada-based company, is supporting them by offering the [...]

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COVID-19 and ProgiSync: Flattening the Curve with ProgiPhoto

2020-03-30T10:15:47-04:00March 30th, 2020|

In  light of the current COVID-19 prevention campaign, Progi wishes to help collision centre appraisers continue their work (remotely) while making the right moves to curb the spread of the Coronavirus. This is why the ProgiPhoto feature was deployed in ProgiSync, the appointment manager. ProgiPhoto [...]

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Eliminating Bottlenecks in Collision Shops

2020-03-09T16:13:42-04:00March 9th, 2020|

Bottlenecks are unfortunately quite common in a shop’s production line. They can have serious consequences and the resulting loss of productivity directly impacts profitability and prevents shops from achieving maximum returns. Longer cycle times, overtime, more energy spent for the same results, stress for the [...]

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