Cycle Time; Your Collision Shop’s Cardiogram.

2022-06-03T16:50:40-04:00June 14th, 2022|

A Few Tips to Keep a Healthy Rhythm. Car accident victims who have their vehicle repaired at a body shop tend to do two things after the incident: switch insurers and change vehicles, including the brand. That's why partners and insurers alike are paying attention [...]

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Recyclers: Two Tips on How to Manage Your Ever Evolving Business Relationships.

2022-04-27T09:13:32-04:00May 3rd, 2022|

It’s April 2022, my distributor’s representative has changed again. This is the fourth time in four years. One of my main suppliers has been a business partner for the last twenty years. He is retiring and will let his son take over the business. I [...]

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5 Tips to Improve Sales at Your Collision Shop

2022-04-04T08:35:18-04:00April 12th, 2022|

Charles absolutely wanted me to share some sales tips for collision shops with you. Our observations in the field indicate that sales are often neglected in Canadian body shops. Charles has visited over 700 shops and we come to the same conclusion. In this article, [...]

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Auto Damage Appraisal: Conversation with Patrick Piché and Charles Aubry

2022-03-23T15:48:37-04:00March 24th, 2022|

As part of our conversation about the auto parts shortage that has plagued the market since 2021, Charles Aubry, Patrick Piché and I also discussed auto estimation and how valuable it is. This article highlights my interview with Patrick Piché from Akzonobel. Let’s first recall [...]

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Dealers: The Importance of Recommending Your Collision Shop.

2021-03-03T17:23:25-04:00March 3rd, 2021|

Hello, I am Alex from Progi. Dealerships know us for the sale of auto parts to collision shops with ProgiParts. Today, I would like to address the importance of referencing your dealership clients to your collision shop partner. This is a partner you trust and [...]

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A Web Application Made in Canada Helps Collision Shops, Insurers and Their Clients to Stay Safe While Working During the Confinement Period.

2020-04-06T08:44:20-04:00April 6th, 2020|

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, March 30, 2020—only businesses providing essential services remain operational during the COVID-19 prevention campaign. These include insurance companies and their damage insurance suppliers such as collision shops. Progi, a Canada-based company, is supporting them by offering the [...]

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COVID-19 and ProgiSync: Flattening the Curve with ProgiPhoto

2020-03-30T10:15:47-04:00March 30th, 2020|

In  light of the current COVID-19 prevention campaign, Progi wishes to help collision centre appraisers continue their work (remotely) while making the right moves to curb the spread of the Coronavirus. This is why the ProgiPhoto feature was deployed in ProgiSync, the appointment manager. ProgiPhoto [...]

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ProgiSync Appointments Milestone: Over one million appointments!

2017-05-01T08:11:22-04:00May 1st, 2017|

WOW! This spring 2017, ProgiSync has reached one million appointments booked at Canadian collision shops via ProgiSync Appointments. This is a significant milestone for the software. It shows its growing popularity. We would like to take advantage of this opportunity to thank you. Your trust is worth [...]

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