Waiting: the enemy of return on investment for collision shops

2024-02-06T17:17:17-04:00April 15th, 2024|

Hello, This is Alex from Progi. We are already on our second article focusing on collision shop waste. The good old waste well known in Lean methodology. Today, the focus is on waiting, one of the major sources of unproductivity, and I offer a few [...]

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Overproduction: the core issue for collision shops

2024-02-06T16:41:29-04:00March 15th, 2024|

Here’s the first article of our series dedicated to waste impairing productivity in collision shops. Overproduction is often considered the most serious of the seven types of waste in Lean methodology, as it has the potential to lead to the other waste types - waiting, [...]

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Boosting productivity in collision shops: Beyond waste

2024-02-06T15:43:00-04:00February 9th, 2024|

When it comes to continuous improvement in collision shops, both experienced professionals and beginners often wonder where to start or what steps to take to optimize their shop. Once key processes, relevant objectives, an effective monitoring system and fluent team communication have been set up, [...]

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50 shades of geography. For collision shops, planning goes with location

2023-12-13T18:32:18-04:00January 8th, 2024|

When planning our capacity, it’s quite simple: we want to bring to our collision shop as much work as possible, while keeping a workload that makes us efficient, so that we can deliver in the optimal cycle time for our operations. The severity grid is [...]

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A good mindset to innovate and get out of Death Valley as a collision shop

2023-11-24T14:01:48-04:00November 29th, 2023|

I refer to “Death Valley” as a mindset in which collision shop managers deny the opportunity to evolve. It’s a kind of mental prison that condemns to failure. Of course, it is never a fault to be unsure of how to go further. But refusing [...]

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Winter’s here, how should I adjust the production in my collision shop?

2023-11-24T13:57:55-04:00November 21st, 2023|

We are Canadians. And in Canada, as in the Game of Thrones show, Winter is coming. This is an inescapable reality. And winter, in the collision shop industry across Canada, is what we call our high season. Soon, order books will explode and the yards [...]

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Want some work? Here it is! Time to make money in collision shops

2023-11-06T11:49:25-04:00November 7th, 2023|

The 2020s brought its share of surprises. COVID-19 hit us hard. There was no work left in the market. Once things gradually returned to normal, delays to get parts were endless. Then the pandemic subsided, some collision shops closed down and the labour shortage hit. [...]

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November, at Progi, is Capacity Month, and back to (collision shop) school

2023-10-30T12:13:06-04:00November 1st, 2023|

Hello, I’m Alex from Progi. November is Capacity Month. And Capacity Month means time to get ready for the peak season. Here are three articles on capacity planning to help you prepare. Collision shop managers, now is the time to familiarize (or refamiliarize) yourself with [...]

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Launching Capacity Month 2023

2023-10-27T09:38:06-04:00October 27th, 2023|

Hello, Winter is just around the corner. Let's take advantage of November, capacity month, to create the winning conditions for a successful high season. We offer you four texts addressing the main capacity issues and possible avenues for improvement. We are also starting a new [...]

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