Sale of Total Loss Vehicles
ProgiPix manages the sale of total loss vehicles from insurance companies. The sale is done through online bids within a network of accredited auto recyclers.
It is a flexible and profitable platform for both the insurer and the recycling centres. ProgiPix, through a collective effort of recyclers, also promotes the retention of auto parts in Canada that are available for the repair of insured vehicles.
Who is ProgiPix for?
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A profitable program to manage the sale of salvage and theft recovery vehicles.
We handle the sale, you receive the profits.
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Recent and older vehicles, salvage, stolen/recovered… a wide range on sale on the network.
A flexible supply and marketplace for salvage and theft recovery vehicles.
Whether they are units with minor damage or stolen and recovered, many vehicles are good candidates for rebuilding.
Check out vehicles offered by our recycler members or view a preview of the inventory available on the official auction: