
CarZ Auto Recycling Helps the Victims of the Turkey-Syria Earthquake with its ProgiPix Auction Revenue.

Sam from CarZ

On February 6, 2023, the world was shaken by the news that an earthquake had devastated southern and central Turkey and northern and western Syria, a region already under pressure from geopolitical tensions.

Sam Kanoun of CarZ Auto Recycling acted as soon as he heard the bad news. He told Alexandre Rocheleau and his colleagues at Progi:

“We are all humans and humans should help each other. If I were a victim of a tragedy like the earthquake in Turkey/Syria, I would like to be helped.

I wondered what I could do to help from here. I called some relief organizations and decided to donate the money related to the ProgiPix car auction such as keeper fees, buyer fees and storage fees that I will earn for the period of February 9 to February 17, 2023.

Disasters like this mobilize people and I want others to join me in helping the victims of the earthquake in Turkey/Syria. Right now, we have the opportunity to make a difference.”

Sam will donate his ProgiPix income to Relieve Humanity International ( but he also points that other organizations are gathering money to help such as the Red Cross. Donations are tax deductible.

Progi salutes Sam for his initiative and humanity. We are proud to count him among our partners.

Copywriting: Alexandre Rocheleau
Collaboration: Sam Kanoun
Revision: Sophie Larocque