
The ERP system that changed the life of hundreds of auto recyclers

The Little Big Story of ProgiPac

At the turn of the 1990s Progi was born from ProgiPac, the legendary ERP* software dedicated to the world of recycling. Back then, there was a quiet interest in computerizing recycling centres, but it was risky. Computer equipment was expensive and unfamiliar to users while computer programs were quite complicated and not very user-friendly.

Looking to purchase a reliable inventory management program, Turcotte Auto Parts** felt that the existing solutions were expensive and not adapted to their needs. They hired a software company to create their own tool. This ambitious project caught the attention of nearby recycling centres who showed great interest in the project.

Over time, the software company in charge of developing the program for Turcotte Auto Parts was purchased by a competitor who did not want to pursue the project, and therefore agreed to sell it back. The hype around the software, not even out yet, convinced Turcotte Auto Parts that ProgiPac could be used by other recyclers.

Members of Turcotte Auto Parts and their entourage invested and established a company for their inventory software project. That was the founding of Progi. ProgiPac would become a resource management software made for recyclers by recyclers. Indeed, while creating the software, the Turcotte Auto Parts team consulted several other recyclers to understand their needs. Their goal was to come up with a product that recyclers could rely on to build and develop their business.

30 years later: ProgiPac 2 is the perfect solution for recyclers.

Progi has updated ProgiPac and is now promoting ProgiPac 2, a modern version of its predecessor. The program can help organize the auto recyclers’ inventory, accounting, billing and communications. It also allows to share inventory between recyclers. The software provides parts traceability and support for vehicle purchases during auctions.

I am an auto recycler, should I be interested in ProgiPac?

If reselling auto parts to individuals or companies is a big part of your business model, then the answer is definitely yes. If you still do not use a computerized inventory system or if you find it difficult to stay in control of your current one, then ProgiPac2 is a solution for you. With its user-friendly and attractive interface, its efficient and stable processes, ProgiPac 2 is your road to success. It is certainly the best cost-effective solution out there to help structure your company.

* ERP: Enterprise Resources Planning system. We also use YMS for Yard Management System.
** In the last years, following its owners’ retirement, Turcotte Auto Parts was purchased by the Kenny-U-Pull banner.

Author: Alexandre Rocheleau
Revision: Sophie Larocque
Editing : Emilie Blanchette