
COVID-19 and ProgiSync: Flattening the Curve with ProgiPhoto

Photo estimate of collision damage

In  light of the current COVID-19 prevention campaign, Progi wishes to help collision centre appraisers continue their work (remotely) while making the right moves to curb the spread of the Coronavirus.

This is why the ProgiPhoto feature was deployed in ProgiSync, the appointment manager. ProgiPhoto makes it possible to receive photo assignments from participating insurers and send photo requests to clients so estimates can be completed remotely.

This measure will help prevent as many people as possible from traveling around (to the shop). It will promote social distancing while advancing the current and upcoming auto estimate requests.

This feature was planned for deployment in a few weeks, but in the current context, the Progi team went to great lengths to make it available right away. For ProgiSync suppliers wishing to learn how it works, check out the information received by email, which will soon appear in the web app as well.