
Resuming Production in Collision Shops

Paint booth at collision repair facility

Hello, this is Alex from Progi.

The following text was written to guide shops as they resume work. Our goal is to shed some light on the different options and to help you chose a back-to-work scenario that fits your local reality, your shop and your business goals following the impacts of the COVID-19 prevention campaign on our industry.

Back to work scenarios:

Back to work scenarios—what is the number one issue to keep in mind?

It’s the overall hours to produce in your shop. You will need to analyze two things to calculate them:

Consider the following points when establishing your scenario:

Here is a quick list of each scenario’s pros and cons:

Scenario A: The entire staff returns to work.



Scenario B: Half of the staff returns to work.



Scenario C: Progressive return starting with a small team and adding members to meet the demand until things get back to normal. This is like the half staff scenario, but this time by assessing the situation to meter the team’s reintegration. This may imply a return below or above 50% of the workforce.




In conclusion, I hope this helps you plan or adjust the reopening of your shop.

Our next subject will be lighter, but just as important, especially for those who have capacity management at heart. We will talk about how the change of job severity must change work habits.

Please note that our team is operational and here to help you. Feel free to contact Luis, Ian or Progi’s customer service.


Editor: Alexandre Rocheleau
Research assistants: Charles Aubry, Laurent Tri
Revision and translation: Sophie Larocque